Hope Community Pantry
It’s not charity, it’s a blessing – a hand up not a hand out!
Hope Community Pantry runs every Friday of the school term and is open between 10:00 am and 12:00 pm. No appointment is needed to access the pantry.
If you are in a financially stressed situation, we invite you to join our pantry and access groceries, fresh fruit and vegetables and bread available on a weekly basis.
A small fee is payable to access the pantry. This fee covers operating costs only.
For $10 you will be able to access the pantry and choose 10 grocery items. In addition to this, you will be able to access fresh fruit, vegetables and bread.
There is no rigorous screening process, however, to ensure we comply with Foodbank and Second Bite regulations, a brief confidential assessment is required. Please be assured that privacy around your situation and all personal information is guaranteed.
Donate to Hope Community Pantry
Are you able to help our Community Food Pantry financially so they can continue to provide this invaluable service to our community?
We rely heavily upon the generosity of others to do what we do and we are most appreciative of any support you may give no matter how small you may think that is. Our Community Food Pantry is operated by our registered charity Hope Health 2508 and all donations are fully tax deductible.