Pastoral Care
What is pastoral care?
Pastoral care ministry assists by helping people navigate through tough times by offering extra support. This happens most naturally in a life group setting. Life groups go beyond a quick “how are you” to creating a sense of family where people are genuinely loved, cared for, and supported. Life group leaders take responsibility for the health & welfare of each person in the group.
We also have a dedicated team of people to provide extra support if required. This team is led by Josh Roberts.
We do not profess to have all the answers, but we will guide and support you to apply the principles in the Bible that we know work. We will pray and stand in faith with you through every difficult life circumstance.
Sue Saffery organises volunteers to assist people within the church that need practical support when the level of support exceeds that which a life group can provide. This may include cleaning, lawn and garden care, and meals.
Should you require counselling, our pastoral care team will be happy to provide you with a referral to a qualified Christian counsellor or clinic.
If you are pregnant or have recently had a newborn baby and require a little extra support, we may be able to assist with the provision of meals. We also have a Life Group with other new Mums who are here to encourage you and walk this journey of parenthood with you.
Hope Stories
Be inspired and meet the family
Marilynn’s Hope Story
If you are looking for hope then you have come to the right place and we would love to connect with you and help you get to know Jesus and grow in your relationship with Him.
Take The Next Step -
Paul’s Hope Story
If you are looking for hope then you have come to the right place and we would love to connect with you and help you get to know Jesus and grow in your relationship with Him.
Take The Next Step -
Sue’s Hope Story
If you are looking for hope then you have come to the right place and we would love to connect with you and help you get to know Jesus and grow in your relationship with Him.
Take The Next Step