Helensburgh Men’s Shed
A Men’s Shed is a larger version of the typical man’s shed in the garden – a place where he feels at home and pursues practical interests with a high degree of autonomy. Helensburgh Men’s Shed offers this to a group of such men where members share the tools and resources they need to work on projects of their own choosing at their own pace and in a safe, friendly, and inclusive venue. Helensburgh Men’s Shed is a place of skill-sharing and informal learning, of pursuing individual and community projects, of purpose, achievement, and social interaction. A place of leisure where men come together to work.
Helensburgh Men’s Shed is serving the 2508 community by providing a facility in which men can come together, pursue hobbies, undertake community projects, and talk with mates to facilitate longer, more active, healthier and happier lives. Helensburgh Men’s Shed’s initial activities have involved making or mending in wood (e.g. carpentry, joinery, turning, CNC milling, furniture renovation), repairing mechanical items (mowers, whipper snippers), restoring a car and renovating the currently used building. Setting up a metalworking area is well underway. Whichever activities are pursued the essence of a Shed is not a building but the network of relationships between the members.
Helensburgh Men’s Shed is a member of the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) and currently has more than 50 members. We warmly welcome new members. If you are interested in joining please send an email to [email protected].