Hope Stories
Shona’s Hope Story
Shona, a pastors kid describes that in spite of having a belief in God and an ‘amazing upbringing’ she looked for the approval of others. The constant search for contentment in an attempt to fill the void lead her to experience deep depression, anxiety, multiple suicide attempts a bipolar diagnosis, hospitalisation and a myriad of medication.
Having a partial belief in God just wasn’t enough to bring freedom. After making the choice to fully surrender everything to God, she experienced true freedom, peace and complete healing from mental illness. This decision to fully embrace God and trust in who God says she is has lead to a life of freedom, peace and healing. No longer on medication and loving life.
Hi, my name's Shona, and I just wanted to share with you my story of hope.
As you may know, my parents are the Pastors of Hope Church 2508 and I
had an amazing upbringing. We became a Christian family when I was six.
And so, I have known God most of my life. But I was always searching for
the approval of others. I never felt good enough for people. And so, as a
teenager, seeking the approval of others led to bad relationships, some
good, but there were bad ones as well.
And so I got into this deep depression and was just trying to fit in. I ended
up having multiple suicide attempts as a teenager and being hospitalised
for depression and anxiety.
As I went into adulthood, I got married and married an amazing man. But I
was never satisfied. Having kids, I thought that would bring happiness and
peace. I love my kids and I have got an amazing husband, but I still just
was not content.
Later, as an adult, I got diagnosed with bipolar as well. I was constantly on
medication and just trying to feel better, buying things, hanging out with the
wrong people, just trying to fill this empty void in my life. I knew God, but he
was part of a side of my life. He was just this little part of my life – in a box
that I put him in.
But when I moved back down to Helensburgh and got to come to Hope
Church, I realised looking at people that there was something different.
There was something different in their lives that God actually took the
whole of their lives. They had this peace about them that no matter what
was going on, they were content.
I just wanted that and that is when I actually gave over everything in my life.
That is when I felt this peace, that God was enough for me. God is enough
for me. It does not matter what is going on because He is enough.
I am now free from depression, anxiety, and bipolar. I just live in this
freedom that I know that I am enough, and God is enough for me.
I encourage you, that if you do not know that, if you are looking for approval
or happiness or just searching and you have got this void in your life, reach
out to us. We would love to share with you. You know, I am not alone in
this. There is so many stories and I just encourage you just to reach out
because there is hope.